Amiga Shows


Pictures are down the bottom.

Before setting out for Huddersfield we had a few things to arrange including collecting software and hardware to sell, transport and posters for the stall. But we forgot two important things - a camera so that we could have reminders, (so we stopped to buy a disposable) and a map to pick up the A1200, (so we asked for directions), but after 5 hours of driving we arrived 20 minutes late and tried to set up which was difficult since everyone else seemed to arrive on time - the place was mobbed.
While we were there we made brisk business while some lazy people played games on the A1200 that we brought. The good thing was that everyone had to pass us to get into the games room. At least one person looked after the stall while the others went for wanders. The Eyetech stall was mobbed as usual with people trying to clamber to the front to buy stuff - they also had a picture of the AmigaOne PCB (all lines and dots to me). Next to them were Haug who were showing off a copy of their planetarium program and selling t-shirts (ask kindly and Duncan might be persuaded to model his). There was a row of Amigas on the net using various browsers for people to use. Wierd Science were across from us and doing good deals (buy two get one free) and were quite busy. Amigactive had a stall for a brief moment beside us until ANT arrived who were selling cast-offs as well. There were a few other groups and sellers like Kickstart/soft and SEAL
(promoting their professional looking mag).
Lunch was a nice break especially with such nice food - if you are passing that way, stop and have something, its better than the service stations. I was amazed to see so many people milling around for the whole day and with everyone buying at least something.
There was a meeting for all usergroups to attend so that we could discuss how to proceed with the aim of getting a show up and running and a way to get more members into the groups. The second meeting was a presentation done by Fleecy and Eyetech which was similar to the one in Cologne.
It was a great show and I hope to be going to more of them. The drive back was slightly more hazzarous with a snow blizzard which was interesting but we got back in one piece around midnight.



Fleecy Moss on right
(VP of Amiga Inc.)

Our table.

Could that really be your webmaster
(also on right)?

Guess what?
It's our table again.

Multi-player Payback
(with motion blur).

Interested people at the
AmigaOne presentation.

A photograph of the
AmigaOne 1200 motherboard!

If you want to see more pictures then you'll have to go to
HAUG's website.

If you have any comments or questions concerning this site,
then contact the Webmaster: Donald W Millican.
© GAUG 2001, Last updated 04/03/01